Monday, April 7, 2008

Moo-donna returns (yawns)

Ok, gay people. Stop with the drooling of Moo-donna new video and CD. Think for 2 seconds before you blindly freak out over the video (which is nothing to be excited about at all). Everywhere I go and everything I read talks about how they can't wait for the new Moo-donna.

But seriously, will it be good? Her recently stuff sounds the same. Her last good CD was Music and from there, everything went down hill. Now, I'm not a complete Madge hater. I've bought some of her stuff and I like at least one song from all her CDs. But is she really going to bring it?

She lost it for me when she worked with Britney and now she's working with Justin Suckerlake. If she's so awesome, why does she need that overrated man-boy? And the beat sucks, Timberland, you should be ashame of that B-movie soundtrack you gave her. But she should be mad at herself for accepting that busted beat.

So you can tell, I'm not impress with Moo-donna. I think she's reaching Cher-like status now (and that's not a good thing). I will listen to this new CD, but I'm not going to fall out when I hear it. I hope she really got some good stuff, maybe even take us back to her most innovative CD to date, Ray of Light. But I guess we'll see.

Oh, and does she look like a demon queen on the Vanity Fair cover?

1 comment:

  1. Hehe...

    I have to comment on your Madonna post, as well. You understand.

    I happen to like the 'demon-queen' look. It's the blatant act of desperation that is hiring Tinkerlake, Timbaland and Pharrell to produce her album that I take issue with.

    At least Cher kept her dignity. Well, as much dignity you can fit into a sequined bikini.
