Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lord, help the South pt 1

I ran across something that wasn’t a surprise, but still alarming. In many of the race issues dealing with Clinton and Obama, I’ve heard a lot of mess. But there are a few pieces from an article today, hit me in the gut.

From Associated Press: Add this to the divisive debate over race in the presidential campaign: Whites who said race was important in picking their candidate have been about twice as likely to back Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton than Sen. Barack Obama.

Exit polls of voters in Democratic primaries also show that whites who considered the contender's race - Clinton is white, Obama is black - were three times likelier to say they would only be satisfied with Clinton as the nominee than if Obama were chosen.

In the exit polls, whites saying they considered the candidate's race were likelier to be from the South and rural areas, less educated, lower earning and older. That's consistent with voting so far, in which Obama has done better among whites with more education and higher incomes, especially men.

As I said I’m not completely shocked, but I’m not thrilled either. If you don’t know, I’m from the South, Tennessee in fact. And I know racism still lives big down in those areas. But I guess it bothers me that it lives strongly in the less educated, rural, poor and older white people. This particular group (a good amount) are usually living with black people in many of the housing projects and neighborhoods. I still don’t understand their reasons for holding on to these empty prejudices, or what they are afraid of. Yes, I know we can be in our stereotypical foolishness at times, but really; are we still something to be frightened about? I have often thought about going “home” to have town house meetings in rural southern areas. I just need to know why this is still an issue.

But if a candidate is going to fight for you, support you, and make a better life for you, would you really care about their race? Hell, if it was a moose that could change the world, I’ll vote for it.

I just want the foolishness to stop. It’s time to move on or die. To believe in these empty prejudices only proves that education is key. So don’t vote for Hillary because she’s white, or Obama because he’s of color. Vote for the one that would best serve the country. I know that was a very basic plea, but if people still believe in this notion I don’t know how else to say it. Wait…I do,



  1. Hello,
    Just wanted to let you know I have added your blog to my LGBT Bloggers List Here: http://lgbtbloggers.blogspot.com
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    hugs & Take care

  2. Unfortunately, we live in a society that bases everything on outward appearances... honestly, how else do you think Bush got into office? His charismatic, educated diction?? LOL

    I've brought up the same point before with people... if both candidates were white males, this would be a different race. It's sad, but true. To be bluntly honest, I don't think any candidate running is a perfect choice for this country. I disagree with both Hillary and Obama on many platform points. Still, I find that if you vote for Hillary, people view you as racist while a vote for Obama means your sexist. I can't win!

    Sadly, it's always a popularity contest, not a competition over who would be best to run our beyond-dysfunctional country. No matter who ends up in office, they're screwed...

  3. Oh, I wish Bullwinkle *would* run...well, it'd have to be Rocky AND Bullwinkle to make a truly successful team, though.

    I just don't see the moose not causing some international incident if left to his own devices.

    (Hey, Shaney...add the "midnight garden" to your list?)
