Monday, April 14, 2008

Life according to Ororo 2

I am not religious. But when I think about what's out there, it's kind of exciting. I like the fact that I don't know what 's looking down at us. With all the years of being brainwashed and in fear of faith, I like the freedom of believing in whatever I want.

The universe is full of surprises and developments. I'm comfortable living and learning without fear of a vengeful God. But I like to believe that there's something out there that challenge us, supports us, and push us to be better people. Since I've let go of my southern baptist upbringing, I am more aware of myself and my soul. I feel that the universe has given me a chance to live without
guilt, and I think I'm a better person for it. But I also like to think that there's something guiding me and hopefully, showing me more as I get older...and wiser, and cuter...

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said!!

    Heres to that invisible love that connects the world,

    Peace and light brother, M
