Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Great News!!!

This hot mess is tabled, canceled, finished. And I am a happy divo to say the least. The JLA was doomed from the start. As soon as I heard about it, I rolled my eyes. Especially after they shelved Wonder Woman and chased away the writer of forever, Joss Whedon. But here's the news if you don't know what I'm talking about

Producer Joel Silver tells the beleaguered Justice League has been “tabled,” which means we’re unlikely to see any movement on the movie in the near future.

That undoubtedly comes as a relief to a significant chunk of fandom — and probably a few Warner Bros. executives.

The George Miller film has been beset by problems almost from the start: It was rushed into production to get ahead of a potential summer 2008 actors’ strike, criticized online because of its rumored casting (”Justice League 90210“), shelved because of the writers’ strike, and then finally entangled in a dispute with the Australian government over tax incentives — which could’ve sent the $200 million project packing to Canada.

Meanwhile, Sci Fi Wire talks to Silver about the often-discussed Wonder Woman movie, whose history is longer than the Justice League’s, and just as pock-marked.

The last we heard, the stalled Wonder Woman was officially put on hold so Warner Bros. could focus on the ensemble project.

“It’s sitting there, and when I figure out a way to do it, I’ll do it,” Silver tells the website.


Well, I'm telling you to stop kool-aiding with Wonder Woman and get her on the screen. This is wrong to deny us the amazon. If you don't get to work on her project. I think I will come to Warners and take it. It's just up the street from me.

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