Friday, April 11, 2008

Free Friday

Today, I had a free day. No work, all play. However in L.A. you have to start early if you want to get around town. My plan was to find an used book store and search for classic, cheesy horror novels and maybe catch a movie. But things change, and I saw a movie at the Grove. The movie was Prom Night.

I know the horror gods were cursing me for it, but I was curious. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best. The story was different than the original, however it wasn't too convincing. In fact, it shouldn't been called Prom Night, maybe A Night to Remember or something. Still, the movie was ok, decent at best. Afterwards, I walked around some stores and headed home. But while I was on the road, I noticed the new ads for CW's foolishness, Gossip Girl.

The ads were pretty much softcore mess. I thought this show a "teen" drama, but what was I thinking. It's CW, so it would be nothing too creative or enticing. The show continues the tired story line of rich spoiled kids causing trouble. I don't know why this show draws people to the screen, but hey, I watch cartoons and read stories about monsters and killers.

But after all of that time I spent at the Grove and reading billboards, I forgot to pick up a scriptwriting book at B&N. So in a few hours, I'm driving back up that hill.

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