Monday, March 31, 2008

Remakes, Shemmakes

Horror is going a slump right now. There's not a lot of good stuff being made and the ideas are just broke (Creepshow III, I'll Always Know what you did Last Summer, 1001 Maniacs).

But for the past couple of years, we been hit with troubling remakes of our horror classics. In a week we'll see the remake of Prom Night and later, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, A Nightmare on Elm Street.

But my question is do we need remakes or better writers? If the studios are that afraid to take risks with new ideas, then it's time to try new studios. I know there are great ideas out there; so what's going on? And do we need to retell the same stories?

No, but I think there are new stories to play on. Like in Friday the 13th, tell us about the "death curse" and how Jason returns. What is in the lake and is there a bigger picture about Camp Crystal Lake? With Halloween, elaborate on Michael's need to kill the Myers family and meaning of the "Thorn" stuff. I feel like these series-type movies have left a messy trail that most studios believe a remake is in order. But I think if a writer or studio clean up the messy story lines , a good movie can surface.

So stop with the remakes...make up something new

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't it be "I Know What You Did Ten Summers Ago" by now?
