Monday, September 7, 2015

Chris Brown bails on performance because Gay Men were present

Chris Brown's foolishness status never cease to exist.

He was supposed to be at the Georgia Freight Depot nightclub were many of his fans, which I'm surprise he still has, showed up to see him. However, he refuse to come to the club once he learned there were gay men at the event.

Darian Aaron from Georgia Voice reports:
Melissa Scott, party promoter and founder of Traxx Girls, tells Georgia Voice she’s “baffled” by the entire turn of events.

“I think it’s unfortunate for mainstream artists to take people’s money with the complete prior knowledge of knowing what the event is and being very clear about what the event is about. I’m completely baffled. You know it’s gay pride. You knew you agreed when you sent the contract in and took the money.”

Scott says she knew there was “trouble in paradise” when she and Brown’s team were exchanging text messages (which were verified by Georgia Voice) at 2am and he still hadn’t arrived at the venue.

“I was being told to take his (Brown’s) image down because he looks a little feminine in that image, an image that he took. As a promoter I should be focused on my crowd. I had to send text messages of pictures of my crowd to say, there’s nothing but girls in here man.”
Rap's biggest star, Fetty Wrap, came instead. Fetty didn't care about the gay audience, he was happy to perform. Big ups to Fetty Wrap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, he continues to disappoint.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.