Tuesday, March 31, 2015

USC Athletic Director Pat Haden tweets his support for his Gay Son, and disapproval of Indiana

This is cool!

USC Athletic Director Pat Haden is a legend at USC. And when he speaks, everyone listens.

This tweet today, spoke in volumes

Go Pat!

Today is Trans Day of Visibility

It is very important for our Trans brothers and sisters to be seen and to be heard. Their lives are important and we should acknowledge and celebrate that.

To understand more, check out this cool infographic

Tea Cruz: "I’m proud to stand with Gov. Mike Pence"

From his website
“I want to commend Governor Mike Pence for his support of religious freedom, especially in the face of fierce opposition. There was a time, not too long ago, when defending religious liberty enjoyed strong bipartisan support. Alas, today we are facing a concerted assault on the First Amendment, on the right of every American to seek out and worship God according to the dictates of his or her conscience. Governor Pence is holding the line to protect religious liberty in the Hoosier State. Indiana is giving voice to millions of courageous conservatives across this country who are deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks upon our personal liberties. I’m proud to stand with Mike, and I urge Americans to do the same.”


Interesting Quote: Gov. Mike Pence

I abhor discrimination. I believe in the Golden Rule that you should “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If I saw a restaurant owner refuse to serve a gay couple, I wouldn’t eat there anymore. As governor of Indiana, if I were presented a bill that legalized discrimination against any person or group, I would veto it. Indiana’s new law contains no reference to sexual orientation.
This is from his op-ed in WSJ. Read it here

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory doesn't want a Religious Freedom Bill

Gov. Pat McCrory ain't trying to have the same drama as Mike Pence.

Today, Pat said that didn't see a need for RFRA in North Carolina

WRAL reports

"What is the problem they're trying to solve?" McCrory asked during Monday's broadcast of WFAE's Charlotte Talks program.

Large parts of the program focused on situations where McCrory had differences with conservative Republicans at the state legislature, particularly in the state Senate.

Senators have already passed a bill that would allow magistrates opt out of performing weddings if they have a "sincere religious objection" to performing particular ceremonies. The measure, which is now making its way through the House, is seen as a way to shield magistrates who do not want to perform same-sex marriages.

North Carolina's constitutional amendment and a related law blocking same-sex marriages was overturned by a federal court last year.

"At this time, I would not sign it the way it's written because ... I don't think you should have an exemption or a carve-out when you swore an oath to the constitution of North Carolina or to the Constitution of the United States of America," McCrory said.

I'm actually surprised to hear this from Pat. Maybe other governors will think twice as well.

New Site breaks down the Truth about RFRA

A new site, wrongtorefuse.com, has a great way to look at the effects of the RFRA.

The opening line states:
With the passage of Indiana’s SB 101 (and more “religious freedom" laws pending elsewhere in the U.S.), discrimination against all kinds of people has never been so simple. 
Full of condemnation, but low on creativity? Print, post, and share these handy pre-made signs!
Check them out

Gay Comic Geek fired from his job because of his Website - WATCH

Gay Comic Geek (Paul) was recently fired from his job because of his website. He explains in the video, but it really sucks that someone reported him. Yes, he talks about porn, but seriously, how does that affect his job performance?

Again, it sucks and I hope Paul is considering some legal advice.

Meet the new host of The Daily Show, Trevor Noah

31-year-old Trevor Noah will fill in Jon Stewart's shoes in The Daily Show! The adorable South African to on the new position later this year.

Trevor has only been on the show 3 times, but something about him really caught the execs' eye. I have watched his stand-up and he's pretty good, so I think he will do a fine job holding down.

Here is his debut on TDS


Trying... Knowing

Recently, well, a few months ago, I decided to stop disrespecting myself.

I stopped second guessing myself.

I stopped looking to guys that wasn't in my best interest.

I stopped putting reality to side.

I start believing in myself again.

I realized that I have a calling.

I know what I need to do.

Now, Gov. Mike Pence seeks Clarification of the Religious Freedom Bill

Gov. Mike Pence thought he was a champion of the far right by signing that religious freedom bill in Indiana. But now, the fire is getting hot and the pressure is on!

Since the signing the bill into law, groups are ending ties with the state, a boycott is on the rise, and yesterday, there was a huge protest outside of the statehouse. With the reality of this mess coming on strong, Mike has decided to seek clarification of the bill, in hopes it doesn't discriminate against the LGBT community.

The governor told the Indy Star:
“I support religious liberty, and I support this law. But we are in discussions with legislative leaders this weekend to see if there’s a way to clarify the intent of the law.”
Hmm, so it's possible the bill could change a bit. But, would it be better to drop it? Just get rid of the stupid bill! His actions have already tarnished his legacy, he could savage some of it and drop it!

We will learn more next week once the General Assembly meets, but I love that the kitchen is getting hot for Mikey!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's Official! Joan Collins is a Dame

Joan received the highest honor of being a Dame from Prince Charles. The 'Diva' actress has worked for decades from Batman to the latest guilty pleasure, The Royals.

Joan was surprised with the honor, but was gracious for it.

Brian Brown on Indiana's Right To Discriminate Bill

From his press release
"The state of Indiana has stepped up to the plate in defending marriage and religious freedom. If you remember, a federal judge recently struck down Indiana's state marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. That decision will be subject to whatever Supreme Court ruling is issued this summer. But the marriage champions in the Hoosier state wouldn't sit back and wait. They acted to defend marriage and religious liberty by passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act this week by overwhelming majorities in the state House and Senate. Governor Pence just signed the bill yesterday. The new legislation protects individuals who wish to live their lives and run their businesses in keeping with their sincere and deeply held religious beliefs. I'd like to thank Governor Pence and the brave legislators of the state of Indiana for being pro-active in defending marriage and religious liberty, and urge every state in the union to follow their lead in passing similar legislation."
I can't with him today

Friday, March 27, 2015

Did some Hackers take down Indiana's Website?

Oh snap, some hacker group called Vikingdom2015 just took down the Indiana's website. But a spokesman for the Indiana Office of Technology says otherwise

Here's more
Graig Lubsen, a spokesman for the Indiana Office of Technology, issued the following statement:

"The IN.gov website is currently experiencing a high volume of traffic. Users may experience slow page load times or intermittent outages.

"Indiana, like many other states, has been targeted with a denial of service interruption. From March 16 to March 27, a group, has targeted approximately 34 state, local, tribal, and territorial government websites in 21 states.

"The website was not hacked. A denial of service attack consists of sending many traffic requests at the same time in order to overwhelm a website and have it not be able to load.

"The denial of service interruption began at approximately 2:00, but the site has not been continuously down."
This drama in Indiana is getting good.


Civil Rights Leader Dr. Julian Bond speaks out against the Anti-LGBT Bill in Arkansas

In the HRC Blog, Dr. Bond had this to say:
"H.B. 1228 in Arkansas opens the door to a hateful past that some had thought this country had left behind. This legislation cloaks discrimination in the guise of religion--and it will mark people of color, LGBT Arkansans, religious minorities and women as second class citizens. Governor Hutchinson has a duty and a moral obligation to veto this legislation or the ghosts of the past will haunt his legacy."
You tell, em!

First Look at Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

On Twitter, Ryan Reynolds posted a pic of him as the Marvel Comics' 'Merc with a Mouth', Deadpool.

Deadpool debuted in The New Mutants in the 90s and his screen debut in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (gag). He was supposed to have his own film after that, but the something fell through. Now, Deadpool is back in action.

Get excited

James Van Der Beek on Indiana's Religious Freedom Bill

My Quick Point on These Religious Freedom Bills

These Religious Freedom Bills are nothing but remixed Jim Crow Laws. Plus, when you use God to promote discrimination, you are no longer anything remotely Christian or good. So, if you stand for these bills, you need to check yourself.

Aisha Moodie-Mills becomes the First Black Woman to lead the Victory Fund

This is great news.

Political Analyst and Activist Aisha Moodie-Mills has become the first Black woman to be the President of the Victory Fund and Institute.

Buzzfeed interviewed Aisha about her role and the changes to come:
“Victory has been thinking about this, certainly before me, and I think I am a manifestation of the forward-thinking of the organization, and that’s a great legacy to be able to build upon,” she said. “I was impressed that they, as a … not really diverse group — there are only like a handful of women and everyone there is white, so they’re not a very diverse group — how they came to it themselves that they need to do something different and that they needed to think much longer into the future — a 20-year plan — and that this 20-year plan needs to reach people that they’ve never reached before.” 
Moodie-Mills has been a constant presence in the LGBT conversation in DC through her work at CAP and in other venues. She described herself as “a federal political girl” before her local LGBT activism began, focused on political fund-raising for the Congressional Black Caucus PAC and through her own consulting firm.

“[T]hat’s … all that I ever knew — before I fell in love with this lovely girl named Danielle, and the politics became very personal to me.” The two are now married.

As the new president of Victory Fund and its educational arm, Victory Institute, she said her focus will be on time-consuming, grassroots work in places where there are no or very few out LGBT elected officials, specifically pointing to “the South and the plains states” and other areas lacking out LGBT representation, from city councils to statehouses.
I had the pleasure of meeting Aisha 3 years ago. I know she will do well and take the Victory Fund to the next level.

WATCH SAE Racist Chanter Levi Pettit apologizes Publicly

Levi Pettit, one of two University of Oklahoma SAE members caught on camera singing racist chants, apologized in public. They made sure he had plenty of Black folks behind him... Anywho, watch

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signs the Discriminatory Religious Freedom Bill

Old folks used to say, "If you do something in the dark, you know it's wrong." Well, that's what happened today, when Gov. Mike Pence signed the discriminatory SB 101 in his Statehouse office.

This fool said:
"Today I signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, because I support the freedom of religion for every Hoosier of every faith. The Constitution of the United States and the Indiana Constitution both provide strong recognition of the freedom of religion but today, many people of faith feel their religious liberty is under attack by government action."
Whatever, this gives businesses the right to discriminate against the LGBT community through religious means. It's nothing but discrimination cloaked in 'God's Love'.

Governor Pence, you are a pure disgrace.


Interesting Quote: Josh Groban

“Honestly, if I were gay, I would have had no problem saying it from day one. I would have nothing to hide if that were the case. People have speculated, have wanted to speculate –whatever, fine. I’m not gay, but if I were, I don’t review it as a bad thing.”

Trans Teen, Blake Brockington, took his Life

Blake Brockington made history as the first trans man to be the Homecoming King of East Mecklenburg High School a year ago. He was going to do big things and possibly change the world.

Sadly, he took his life on Monday.

QNotes report.

Details of Brockington’s passing and any plans for memorials are not yet known. qnotes will provide updates as they become available.

Brockington’s death was confirmed and announced publicly Tuesday morning by Time Out Youth Center, a local LGBT youth services agency where Brockington received support.

The center is working today to ensure other youth and staff receive needed support. Executive Director Rodney Tucker says youth members and clients have been at their center since 9 a.m. this morning. A counselor will be on hand to speak with staff and is available to youth and clients throughout the day.

Brockington’s death is the second such local incident in recent weeks.

My heart goes out to his friends and family.

Attorney General Kamala Harris will intervene on the Sodomite Suppression Act

Yesterday, Attorney General Kamala Harris announced she will intervene and block the ridiculous Sodomite Suppression Act proposal, which calls for us (gay folks) to be shot in the head.

In a press release, Kamala said:
"As Attorney General of California, it is my sworn duty to uphold the California and United States Constitutions and to protect the rights of all Californians. This proposal not only threatens public safety, it is patently unconstitutional, utterly reprehensible, and has no place in a civil society. Today, I am filing an action for declaratory relief with the Court seeking judicial authorization for relief from the duty to prepare and issue the title and summary for the 'Sodomite Suppression Act.' If the Court does not grant this relief, my office will be forced to issue a title and summary for a proposal that seeks to legalize discrimination and vigilantism."
More to come.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

HBO cancels 'Looking'

Well, it looks like this was the final season of Looking. HBO has cancelled the series due to poor ratings and possibly viewers' reactions.

The series seemed to be promising, but many viewers felt that the stories were too slow and the some of characters were, at times, hard to like.

While the series may be over, Patrick story will continue in a special. HBO will wrap up the story in a HBO film, something similar to another series, 'Hello Ladies'. I have to say that I saw this coming, too many fans struggled with the story line and characters. Hopefully, they will be able to give us a good ending in this special.


In Indiana: Gen Con will leave the state if the controversial SB 101 is signed into law

This Indiana Religious Freedom bill is causing a stir and it's not even signed in. The largest gaming convention, Gen Con, has put their geek foot down and informed Indiana Governor Mike Pence that if he signs the bill into law, they are pulling out.

The letter says:

This con brings in 50 million to the state, so they got the clout. Let's sit back and sees what happens.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

California Activist files Intolerant Jackass Act to combat the Sodomite Suppression Act

Since the broke ass "Sodomite Suppression Act," may be unstoppable. Activist Charlotte Laws has filed the Intolerant Jackass Act to combat it. The proposal is the opposite of the SSA that points out the ignorance surrounding the anti-gay document.

Here's more:
Laws’ proposal cleverly mirrors and skewers the Sodomite Suppression Act, explaining that the “abominable crime known as prejudice against sexual orientation” is “a destructive view that society commands us to suppress.” Thus:

c) Any person, herein known as an "Intolerant Jackass," who brings forth a ballot measure that suggests the killing of gays and/or lesbians, whether this measure is called the Sodomite Suppression Act or is known by some other name, shall be required to attend sensitivity training for at least three (3) hours per month for twelve (12) consecutive months. In addition, the offender or "Intolerant Jackass" must donate $5000 to a pro-gay or pro-lesbian organization.
I spoke to Laws about her initiative—which, she readily acknowledges, is not necessarily designed to become law.

“I’m fighting fire with fire,” she told me. “The only way to counter [the Sodomite Suppression Act] is … to let people know that most people in California don’t agree with something as incendiary and hateful as what this one attorney proposed.” Laws recognizes the merit of having a content-neutral initiative system, but she believes “we have a very open-minded state and country. This is one guy, and there are millions of us who do not agree with this.”
Charlotte is a former politician and community activist in Los Angeles. If you get the chance, check her out.


George Zimmerman: I Was Victimized by Obama Increasing Racial Tensions

Lord, if you can stand it, watch this freak blame President Obama and compares himself to Anne Frank

Interesting Quote: Roy Moore

"William Barret Travis from Conecuh County, Alabama, came to draw a line in the sand at the Alamo. He took a stand in the face of an enemy that was far more numerous, but he knew that he had to make a statement for the people of Texas and that he would give his life. I hope I don’t give my life, but I’m going to tell you this is a very serious matter. There’s today another threat not only in Texas and Alabama, but across our country where state and federal court judges have overruled constitutional amendments passed by the people of those states, and people have just sat by and watched it out of fear of the federal government. But nothing in the Constitution of the United States, nothing in the laws or precedence of the federal courts give federal courts any authority over domestic policy of family and marriage in the state of Texas, in the state of Alabama, or anywhere else."
He hopes his battle against us, won't kill him


New Music: Shamir

Here's a video to wake you up.

Gay pop artist, Shamir, is a musician with fantastic flair and an electric aura that you can't deny. After listening to a few of his songs, I found him to be fun and carefree.

So check out his latest, Call It Off

Monday, March 23, 2015

Indiana passes Religious Freedom Bill, a Veto Campaign launched

Sadly, in Indiana, SB101 (a religious freedom bill) passed with lopsided 63-31 vote. This bill allows private and public businesses to discriminate against others for religious reasons.

The bill now goes to Gov. Mike Pence, who said he will sign it into law. There is a campaign of sorts to stop Pence from doing this.

It's called, Veto SB101 and there's a site that explains everything. So, please check it out and lend your support.

Because You asked for it... Ted Cruz is running for President

And another ad

READ President Obama's Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act

On the five-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, one thing couldn’t be clearer: This law is working, and in many ways, it’s working even better than anticipated.

After five years of the Affordable Care Act, more than 16 million uninsured Americans have gained the security of health insurance – an achievement that has cut the ranks of the uninsured by nearly one third. These aren’t just numbers. Because of this law, there are parents who can finally afford to take their kids to the doctor. There are families who no longer risk losing their home or savings just because someone gets sick. There are young people free to pursue their dreams and start their own business without worrying about losing access to healthcare. There are Americans who, without this law, would not be alive today.

For Americans who already had insurance before this law was passed, the Affordable Care Act has meant new savings and new protections. Today, tens of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions are no longer at risk of being denied coverage. Women no longer have to worry about being charged more just for being women. Millions of young people have been able to stay on their parents’ plan until they turn 26. More than 9 million seniors and people with disabilities have saved an average of $1,600 per person on their prescription medicine, over $15 billion in all since the Affordable Care Act became law. More than 70 million Americans have gained access to preventive care, including contraceptive services, with no additional out-of-pocket costs. And the law has helped improve the quality of health care: it’s a major reason we saw 50,000 fewer preventable patient deaths in hospitals over the last three years of data.

Read the rest after the jump

Friday, March 20, 2015

Puerto Rico will no longer defend the Anti-Gay Marriage Ban

The Puerto Rican government are no longer defending the U.S. commonwealth’s gay marriage ban! That's really exciting to hear, right? You betcha!

Washington Blade reports

The announcement coincides with a brief Gov. Alejandro García Padilla’s administration will file with the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, which is hearing a lawsuit against the island’s same-sex marriage ban.

García had previously defended the gay nuptials prohibition.
“The government of Puerto Rico finally recognizes that denying marriage to LGBTT people is discriminatory and cannot be justified,” said Omar González-Pagan of Lambda Legal, which is representing the five same-sex couples in the lawsuit against the U.S. commonwealth’s same-sex marriage ban. “Same-sex partners, LGBTT people and their families are part of the rich Puerto Rican culture and society. The actions taken on this day complete the constitutional promises of justices and equality for LGBTT people in Puerto Rico.”
Moving onward and forward

'Joe Millionaire' Star is looking Daddy-tasic

Remember Joe Millionaire? It was a reality show with Evan Marriott pretending to be rich to 20 women, but the gag was he wasn't a millionaire, he was a construction worker. Anywho, the point is Evan was sexy and many of us watched just to see his fine ass. But like many reality show stars, Evan faded from the limelight for 12 years.

Then, he popped up at PaleyFest’s Evolution of Relationship Reality Shows panel yesterday.

He told People magazine,
“I started a business for myself, and everything is great. I did my first job … I got it and literally almost was in tears. I called my dad and said, ‘I feel like I’ve just been paroled. This is where I should have been.’”

BTW, He can still get it

FBI and Federal Prosecutors investigates Aaron Schock

Lord, it's not looking good for Aaron Schock. Now, the FBI and the federal prosecutors in Illinois are looking to see if he broke the law in accounting for campaign expenses.

CNN reports:

The federal investigation is focused on at least three questions, according to people familiar with the inquiry, including the mileage reimbursements, travel that was paid for by donors and in-kind contributions from donors that were not reported.

The FBI is delivering subpoenas in Washington and Illinois, according to two people familiar with the investigation.

Investigators from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and IRS are pursuing various parts of the Schock investigation, according to law enforcement sources.
Now, let me express that I'm not grinning in glee over his demise. I know most gay guys have this love/hate/wannaf*ck him thing about him, but I don't. To me, he's just another entitled man lost in his own fantasy world. I will follow his story, but in some sense, I almost don't care.

Question of the Day

Have you been in an interracial relationship?

Trans Inmate gives advice to 'Beyond Scared Straight' Teen - VIDEO

In Beyond Scared Straight, a gay teen gets into trouble over some rumors about his sexcapades. So, during his visit to the prison in Fulton County GA, the teen met Foxxy, a transgender inmate.

The advice from Foxxy is priceless

New Infographic reveals interesting results on Gay Dating Apps

GrabHim.net conducted a nationwide survey of nearly 4,000 gay men to gage their behavior on Gay Apps. Below are the results, some are surprising, some are not.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

'Bold and the Beautiful' introduces a Transgender Character

The Bold and the Beautiful is making big steps in character development and diversity.

One of their popular characters is revealed to be trans. Yesterday, the character Maya Avant (played by Karla Mosley) confirmed that she transitioned at an early age.

This is the first in soap opera history to have a trans character. The TBATB team are excited for this new direction for Maya and I have to say it looks promising.

The "Sodomite Suppression Act" could be circulated

Weeks ago, super loon Matt McLaughlin, some lawyer from the OC, submitted the infamous "Sodomite Suppression Act", which says that we should be put to death with bullets in our heads.

This act will never be a law, never! But it may clear circulation this coming May, and Attorney General Kamala Harris may not be able to stop it.
The state Supreme Court has the power to keep measures off the ballot if they violate the California Constitution. It has exercised that power to disqualify measures that cover more than one subject, broadly defined, and to block last year’s attempt by legislative Democrats to seek a statewide advisory vote on a U.S. constitutional amendment that would limit corporate spending in federal elections. Presumably the justices could locate a state constitutional provision that would discourage shooting people in the head.

But McLaughlin’s measure is currently before Harris, whose options appear to be limited. Once the sponsor has paid the required fee, state law directs the attorney general to prepare a title and a maximum 100-word summary of the initiative and forward it to the secretary of state for a 90-day period of public signature-gathering. The secretary of state’s website says Harris is scheduled to take those actions by about May 4.

Does she have the power to refuse if the measure is patently unconstitutional? Harris isn’t saying; her office did not return repeated phone calls. But some veteran practitioners of election law said they don’t think so.

“The statute is clear: that the office has to prepare a summary provided the proponents have paid $200 and followed the right procedures,” said attorney Robert Stern, author of the state’s 1974 Political Reform Act. He said he’s never heard of a case in which the attorney general refused to issue a title and summary.

I'm not worried about this. It's very clear this act will never come to pass, but the idea of the act is just inhumane. I hope this Matt McLaughlin is monitored.


Interesting Quote: Daniel Nardicio

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

HRC Poll: Majority believes Federal Nondiscrimination Bill is Top Priority

The Human Rights Campaign's latest poll reveals that 74% of the LGBT community believes that a comprehensive federal nondiscrimination bill should be a "top priority".

Marriage was a close second.

HuffPo reports:
According to the HRC survey, which was conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, 63 percent of LGBT Americans surveyed say they've experienced discrimination. Forty-seven percent have faced discrimination in the workplace, 19 percent in accessing public spaces, 14 percent in housing and 8 percent in the education system.

In 2013, the Department of Housing and Urban Development conducted the first-ever study examining housing discrimination against same-sex couples at the national level. It found that they were "significantly less likely than heterosexual couples to get favorable responses to e-mail inquiries about electronically advertised rental housing." In fact, heterosexual couples were favored over gay male couples in 15.9 percent of the tests, and over lesbian couples in 15.6 percent.

"This data again demonstrates that most Americans are shocked to discover that many LGBT Americans can be denied a job, a room in a hotel, a seat at a restaurant, a place in school, equal access to credit, or housing because they still lack explicit federal protections from discrimination -- and that once people learn that, they overwhelmingly support the basic idea that LGBT Americans should be judged only on their merits, just like everyone else. It's time to act," said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.).
Nice to know that their life after marriage.

'You're Cute For A Black Guy' takes a look Race and Dating in the Gay Community

I'm glad someone made this.

Race and dating in the gay community is an interesting beast. For many of us, we endure such overt and covert versions of racism you wouldn't believe.

"You're Cute For A Black Guy" is a short documentary from filmmaker Cameron Johnson that tackles those issues head on. The men on here are speaking the truth, trust me. As crazy as some of these statements may sound to you, it is our reality.

In HuffPo, Cameron said:
"I made this piece because I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t crazy. I couldn’t be the only gay black man who white dates have said insane things to, so I ventured to find others who shared my experiences. What I discovered is that my story isn’t uncommon, it’s just untold... I hope that my work will help to broaden the discussions of what it looks like to be a gay man in 2015, and give people insight into worlds they haven’t understood. Also, seriously never say any of these things to black men again."

Interesting Quote: Sean Zevran

I believe racism in the porn industry is reflective of racism in society. The industry is notably more challenging for black and Asian male models. Furthermore, distinguishing between racism and preference is difficult, and many producers find themselves wrestling with diversity vis-à-vis profits. It's difficult to politicize sexuality, e.g. sexual desires and preferences, but I believe producers can do more to remedy racism by not being so afraid to challenge the status quo. We need to see more of that. I believe a lot of our sexual preferences have to do with social conditioning, and carrying on the status quo only perpetuates racism.

A Porn version of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is coming soon

When porn steps it up, it steps it up.

Mimicking Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, WoodRocket will be releasing, Gnardians of the Galaxy on April 3.

The film looks interesting and possibly fun to watch. If you want to see it, for free, go to  WoodRocket.com.

The Presbyterian Church Approves Same-Sex Marriage

Wow, this is amazing.

The Presbyterian Church voted to include same-sex marriage in the church’s constitution!

Here's more:

The final approval by a majority of the church’s 171 regional bodies, known as presbyteries, enshrines a change recommended last year by the church’s General Assembly. The vote amends the church’s constitution to broaden marriage from being between “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”

The Presbytery of the Palisades, meeting in Fair Lawn, N.J., put the ratification count over the top on Tuesday on a voice vote. With many presbyteries still left to vote, the tally late Tuesday stood at 87 presbyteries in favor, 41 against and one tied.

“Finally, the church in its constitutional documents fully recognizes that the love of gays and lesbian couples is worth celebrating in the faith community,” said the Rev. Brian D. Ellison, executive director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, which advocates gay inclusion in the church. “There is still disagreement, and I don’t mean to minimize that, but I think we are learning that we can disagree and still be church together.”
Nice, I mean, I never would've seen this coming.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rep. Aaron Schock Resigns

Well, the money scandals and trips with a 'friend' has come to this. Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock is resigning his seat in Congress.

POLITICO has Aaron's statement:

“Today, I am announcing my resignation as a Member of the United States House of Representatives effective March 31,” Schock said in a statement. “I do this with a heavy heart. Serving the people of the 18th District is the highest and greatest honor I have had in my life. I thank them for their faith in electing me and letting me represent their interests in Washington. I have given them my all over the last six years. I have traveled to all corners of the District to meet with the people I’ve been fortunate to be able to call my friends and neighbors.”
Lord, now watch as more truths come out (All Tea, All Shade)

Happy Birthday, Bayard Rustin

Happy Birthday to Bayard Rustin! The gay civil rights leader and visionary!

Without Bayard, there wouldn't be a March on Washington!

My Social Justice Rant

My Social Justice rant...

So, I'm just read a gay male whine about not having a space to talk about gay men issues, and hated that other groups had a space.... Somebody, put a prayer cloth on me, because I literally just can't. It's sad to see and read stuff like that, because it is the prime example of privilege.

I mean, it's so blatant and ridic to the uttermost degree. Look, if you can't see why women, trans, POCs and Bi folks need a space to discuss issues, then please step aside and get the F***k out of the way, because clearly, you are done. You are no longer a fighter, an advocator, or a believer. You are miserable and have forgotten the real reason why you fight. So, if your reading this and it's you, have a seat. We don't need your energy up in here. We're trying to win equality for all, not for a few, all.

Monday, March 16, 2015

3-Peat! Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore's Son Busted for Drug Possession

Help me with this, please?

How can you preach about family values, in fact, you halt gay marriage and set the state of Alabama back a 100 years for the honor of family values... And  your raggedy son gets arrested for the third time.

Not one, not two by three times!

Let's get to the story. Caleb Moore was charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana. According to AL.com, there was a report of a break-in and when the cops arrived, they found Caleb and 4 other guys chillin' and smelling like marijuana.

Again, this is the third time Boo Boo Puppy been arrested for some drug possession. The first time he was arrested was back in 2011, and later in 2013. At that time, Caleb said:
"I've done nothing more than any other college kids. Because of who I am, it gets blown out of proportion. Since then I've got in a closer walk with the Lord. Whatever anyone says about me, it doesn't bother me. The people who know me and know what's true can really see what's going on here and see through critics of my dad."
Well, I guess he hasn't been walking close enough with thee, because he's still making these bad choices. Oh well.