Friday, May 2, 2014

Maggie Gallagher admits to Defeat in the Marriage Battle

In an interesting blog post, Maggie Gallagher is accepting defeat in the marriage battle. Maybe, it's just me :-) but her whole post reads as a defeat.

See here

The version of America we were born into is no more. For the first time in American history being a faithful Christian (or Jew or Muslim) now calls into question in the public square in a new way one’s good citizenship.

Well, yes. Now what?

I headlined this essay “Cooper, Mozilla, and Arizona” because each of these recent public news events highlights one feature of the challenge before us, and what we need to build to respond.

The rapid collapse of opposition to gay marriage we are witnessing did not just happen, and it was not inevitable. But it is.

The question now on the table is: will orthodox Christianity (and other traditional faiths), be stigmatized and marginalized as the equivalent of racism in the American public square? Will Biblical morality be wiped out as an acceptable public position in America?
Let me put it this way: the first struggle we now face is internal and spiritual: Will we accept the newly dominant culture’s view of our views—of ourselves—as hateful and bigoted and stand down?

Or will we, first of all in our heart and minds, refuse to accept this external view of ourselves. Will we stigmatize ourselves or will we force the powerful to do that to us?
There is more so please go here and read the rest


R.J. said...

She acknowledged people being in the closet for fear of losing their jobs over opposing marriage equality in that screed. Good. Now she has a taste of what it's like for us to be fired from our jobs in 31 states just because of who we are.

BloggerJoe said...

No Maggie, what we expect is that you will live up to your own ideals and accept the "Love they neighbor as thyself" doctrine that Jesus said was the 11th commandment.

anne marie in philly said...

(said in a nelson muntz voice) HA HA! LOSER!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.