Monday, December 10, 2012

What is Mario Lopez Doing?

Mario, why are you in your underwear? You could get hurt.



Anonymous said...

How long do you think it took him to get just the right amount of but cheek to peak like that?

Who doesn't let their little girl put the star on top?

BloggerJoe said...

He's selling underwear, remember?

Bob said...

Trying to get some attention.
Once a media whore .....

Anonymous said...

I do not like this guy at all.

Allan S. said...

My mother raised my brother and I to always wear shorts or pajama bottoms, because, we had a little sister living with us.

Mami felt that the men in the house had to show respect to the women and little ladies in the house by hanging out, without our stuff hanging out.

I find it gross that he wears manties around this little girl. Is that his daughter?

And, it is even more obscene that he is doing it to sell sex in order to "go viral" in order to benefit his mediocre career.

The family and people around him are an accessory to his narcissistic life.

Damien said...

His daughter is gonna need SOOOO much therapy.....

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.