Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mega Mess! Bishop Eddie Long's Church declared him a F**king 'King'

This is Mess running wild, y'all! This 'cult' has declared Eddie Long a king!

See it here!

“He’s a king. God’s blessed him. He’s a humble man. But in him is kingship. In him is royalty.”
I can't believe this foolishness! This man is a self-hating grifter! And these members... Sad, just plain ole sad. This is brainwashing, pure and simple. The fact that he is called a king is beyond silly.

Plus, isn't this against God?

Isn't this like the whole Golden Calf type of stuff? Great Hera, I am sooo over religion. When it creates malarkey like this, you have to wonder if some people are completely born without a lick of sense in their heads.


Bob said...

Perfect example of how effed up religion can be.

Writer said...

So delusional! :\

Unknown said...

I would have a laugh about this if I didn't feel so bad for all the people he's hurt/duped.

WilsonW said...

He's not a king, He's My "Queeeeeeen to-o Beeee!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Watching this it finally hit me. It's all high theatrics. The sets, the lighting, the music. The entire thing is thoroughly staged.

And not for anything, the entire religion is full of shit too.

It's just that the megachurch pastors have figured out how to move the crowd, enough to fill the barf buckets arranged by the sides of the pews.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.