Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Caused Controversy on The Bilerico Project

Hi all,

So as some of you know, I was a guest blogger on The Bilerico Project yesterday. It was a great opportunity and I'm very stoked about it. However, my last post apparently caused some small controversy, see below
Black LGBT bloggers are making waves in blogosphere. I truly enjoy reading about what's happening in the ATL or how individuals are making history. But it seems we are few and far between. There are probably a handful of us that are regular reads for the LGBT community, and I would like to change that. I would like to see more Black LGBT bloggers out there on the web. 
There are so many things we can do for the Black LGBT community. For example:
  • We can motivate readers to confront the Black church on its homophobia
  • Encourage our young people to be fighters for equal rights
  • Provide an outlet for other Black LGBT people to feel heard and loved
  • Challenge the stereotypes that beset our community
We have the opportunity to be a powerful force in the overall LGBT movement. Hopefully, more and more Black LGBT bloggers will join us, tell the world our stories, and help in the struggle for equality.
This was my short personal post. But this piece actually offended someone. They thought I was trying to separate us (Black folks) and push Blackness rather than Humanity.

Okay... My intent was to motivate and encourage Black LGBT bloggers to keep it up and stay on the path. Who knew I would considered a separatist. Oh Lord, I guess this is a taste of being a blogger. Oh well.

My post


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, consider it a source and move on. At least you know you have arrived. Luv ya WM ( wink/smile )

EMikeGarcia said...

How that could possibly be seen as offensive is beyond me. I read that person's comments and he seems a bit off the wall, or just angry that something he sent to a major magazine went unnoticed and he is pulling the race card.

Racism is out there, but putting words into someone's mouth and then calling them a separatist is not the way to bring it to light and challenge it.

Mind Of Mine said...

Some people just like to complain.

What do you have to do to make a guest post on the Bilerico blog? Do you need to be invited?

Anonymous said...

For what's worth, it was a good piece that was short, sweet, and to the point.

That person's argument is way off base.

KAOS said...

Viktor - he's crazy as a box of frogs. I gave up trying to reason with him years ago.

Unlike a lot of African-American bloggers out there, I've never thought of you as separatist.

Anonymous said...

Current controversy notwithstanding, Mind Of Mine, work on building your own audience instead of contributing to failing online business model which is Bilerico.

Anonymous said...

There was nothing in that post that should be controversial. If people are offended, then I'm offended for their maintaining the status quo.

Glenn Ingersoll said...

I don't know if you visit Towleroad but sometimes it seems half the commenters are about tearing people down. (Considering NG above, you might have a little of that here.)

Somebody said something mean on the internet. Man! To think I used to get into flame wars. Now I only do it if it's fun.

Anonymous said...

re: Mechadude2001, now see this is where everyone loses in the end. While LeNair said something remarkably ignorant and offbase, running away from it isn't the answer.

Seriously, hasn't everyone gotten sick and tired from being sick and tired from running away every fucking time someone says something provacative or the opposition kicks it up another notch yet?

I guess not.

Unknown said...

The article was clear to me, and I don't see how it could offend, but obviously it did (giving a confused side-eye to the offended commenter); that's how he felt, I guess.

I've been taking a break from reading blogs and watching the news because all the hate going on. It's so much hate and anger everywhere, and it can be draining to watch hate unfold, as well as read hurtful opinions, often viciously worded, to showcase hate in the form of homophobia and racism.

It boggles my brain that we haven't realized that we are all human. Your post was straightforward in my opinion. Also, it means a lot that I was a part of your shout out. Just continue to blog, and be you all the way.

Much love to you.

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.