Monday, July 18, 2011

Interesting Quote: Kevin Alejandro

“What makes Jesus and Lafayette work is just how opposite of each other they are, you know, it's a nice balance. I think with any relationship you need a balance, you know, you can't have too much of one thing without tipping the scale in a direction that doesn't need to be tipped. He's a lot more adventurous, risque, so to speak, and I'm a little bit more normal.”
Kevin talking about Jesus & LaLa's relationship


Anonymous said...

Really, because when he peed on the side of LaLa's house I was disgusted, that is normal? Anyway, I don't feel like we know anything about Jesus and this whole witch thing is doing nothin for me.(Anyone else feel like Tara came back just to stand around with a gun and have great hair?) I don't see any love between Lafayette or Jesus.

WilsonW said...

I don't mind the witch thing because I like the idea of humans having something to give them power over the vampires. Otherwise most of the secondary characters are WAY too vulnerable. So hopefully this will balance things out a bit. I'm just waiting for Lafayette to realize that he is the connection to make it all work soon. I'm sure he'll be the one to combat the big evil witch of old that is possessing that woman and causing mischief.

Yes, Tara, is being wasted. No Jesus is not normal since he's the one who pulled Lafayette into all this hoodoo crap. Lafayette is the one who had been scared pretty straight(as it were) last season. But I do miss him being as strong and willfull a character as he used to be. Hopefully the magic will give him some of that power back.

And ewww to Bill and his great, great, great(however many) gran-daughter.

EMikeGarcia said...

Yeah I don't get the "normal" comment... He did pull Lafayette into the whole witch situation. Anyhow, I love their relationship and I can't wait until they dig deeper into Lafayette's special-ness (I don't know what to call it).

They brought Tara back for a reason... Hopefully it isn't just to make her scream at every damned thing like last season. Making her kick-ass and gay was a start, now she really needs to KICK ASS.

Anonymous said...

I hope their love can defeat evil.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.