Friday, June 3, 2011

My Review: X-Men First Class

Before I begin, I will admit I was wrong. I thought X-Men: First Class would suck, but it actually was very good. There were some minor issues, but in all, it was very good... A strong step in the right direction.

So you know the deal, here comes the vague review of X-Men First Class.
  • They revisited Magneto's origin, giving more insight to his anger.
  • Xavier and Mystique grew up together? Who knew.
  • The Hellfire Club actually fit their comic book image.
  • Why was Riptide a member of the Hellfire Club, he's a Marauder. And Riptide didn't cause whirlwinds, he threw faux ninja stars.
  • Moira Mactaggert and Banshee did NOT have their accents.  Fail!
  • Darwin... I'll just leave that alone.
  • Emma Frost was the bomb! She was thee character right down to the bottom. However, I think the writers didn't know that diamond can cut brass.
  • I didn't like the use of certain mutants from different eras of the X-Men.
  • The story was solid. It felt like I was watching a mutant version 'Inglourious Basterds'.
  • Michael Fassbender is hot.
  • The Hellfire Club's plan was a little far fetched, but kind of something Alan Moore would have made up.
  • Storm's in the movie.
  • We learn that certain X-Men items were made by the US Government, not Xavier.
  • Havok does this weird hula hoop thing to use his powers, it's kinda cute.
  • There were very cool elements of the 60s throughout the film.
  • No Stan Lee.
  • The pacing was great. 2 hours just flew by.
In all it was a very good movie. I'm interested in seeing what the second class will look like.


Anonymous said...

Micheal looks nasty to me. I mean that in a good way.

WilsonW said...

Sigh...I hate to admit that I am going to see this on Monday probably. I feel much better knowing that you enjoyed it!!

Also, You are right Riptide would just spin real fast and use the speed to add velocity to the items he was throwing. Weird that they would change that.

SteveA said...

The casting was great - whomever player Magneto was major HAWT! But I was surprised it was so good - like you said - the story is solid and the passage through the 60's was cool!
All in all - it was a good movie that exceeded my expectations!

Anonymous said...

I just saw this movie and I liked it. Michael was packin.
He can lift me right to the bedroom.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.