Saturday, February 12, 2011

Question of the Day: Gay Male Edition

This term continues to haunt us... Straight Acting.

It suppose to mean the cream of the crop for gay men.  I used to hear this all the time in college: "The straighter the gay, the better the relationship" or "Straight Acting Gays are more put together than Queenie Gays". It's sad that I believed that stuff back then.

But I like to know what your opinion on this. What do you think when you hear guys describe themselves as Straight Acting or if they prefer a guy that's Straight Acting?


Robyn said...

I'm straight acting but I don't hide who I am. If someone asks, I'll tell them "Yes" but otherwise I don't make an issue of it.

As for the ones who say they're straight acting, I'll keep an eye out and call them on their BS when they let their lisp slip out or I catch them with a messenger bag that's not something you can buy at WalMart for ten bucks.

EMikeGarcia said...

If a man says he's "straight-acting," then he's usually a stupid, self-absorbed bigot who is probably closeted and routinely uses slurs against his fellow gay men. "Straight-acting" is a myth perpetuated by gay men with no pride who stand for nothing.

Allan S. said...

I hate that term. I just prefer a person to be real. I have found myself over the years to find butch and fem men very attractive.

I think over the top contrived butchness and quennieness are equally a turn off.

It takes awhile for people to read me as gay, because overtime my feathers do come out.

YvesPaul said...

Instead of straight-acting, it should really be called masculine-acting, shouldn't it? There's nothing wrong with men acting masculine.

Ron Buckmire said...

"Straight acting" is just a symptom of internalized homophobia and relates to whether's someone's "gender expression" fulfills societal expectations of masculinity which are culturally based.

I definitely do not think that people who are "straight acting" are better than other people, but I wold agree with E@MikeGarcia that most people who say they are, are usually a**holes.

behrmark said...

I'm in my late 40's and I still cannot get my head wrapped around what "straight acting" is supposed to mean. I'm waiting for a straight guy to define himself as "gay acting."

Unknown said...

I remember back in the 70s & 80s when that term made sense to me. It meant you would pass for str8, without fear of abuse, either verbal or physical. But now, not so much. It just seems judgmental and mean-spirited.

Damien said...

The ones who do advertise that they are straight acting are paddling up a river called Denial.....

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.