Saturday, January 1, 2011

Question of the Day

What are 3 things you want to achieve in 2011?


Cubby said...

Move away from Ohio.
Move away from Ohio.
Move away from Ohio.

Anonymous said...

1. Be kinder to others and myself
2. Allow happiness into my life
3. travel to India

Anonymous said...

Economic stability, getting in great shape, and love.

Allan S. said...

I will evolve my teaching skills to another level. I will spend more time with family. I will move forward from the profound changes in my life with grace and love.

Prince Todd said...

1.) Finish my novel...
2.) Go with my friends to Comicpalooza...
3.) Find a new job that actually gives me incentive to be there, daily.

Daij said...

I love cubbies response! I'm beginning to feel that way about Oregon.

1- Find my soulmate and have the feeling be mutual.
2- Lose 70 pounds and get my dr off my back about weight loss.
3- Find publishers for my collections of poetry and my collection of short stories.

robertga99 said...

lose weight
lose weight
lose weight
I've gained too much the last few years. I'm not gonna stress myself out with anything other than getting healthier and losing weight

Prince Todd said...

Oh, I also want to meet a new dude...someone totally worthy of me!!
And save money so I can move to San Francisco..:0)

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.