Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joss Whedon thinks Angelina Jolie would make a great Wonder Woman

Interesting info! Joss Whedon, who could have made the best Wonder Woman ever, revealed who he thought could have played the Amazing Amazon.
Although his script was celebrated by those who read it, Warner Bros. ultimately passed on the project, leaving Whedon's take on the Amazon warrior to languish in that big old comic book movie graveyard in the sky.

That doesn't mean that Whedon hasn't still considered Wonder Woman's big screen chances, even if he's no longer involved with the project. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Whedon revealed who he would have wanted to see cast as Princess Diana: none other than Angelina Jolie

“For me, Wonder Woman was basically Angelina Jolie,” he revealed. “She spends a lot of time flying around. She works in a lot of different countries. She’s very global. And she’s appalled by the way people treat each other.”
Interesting choice, she would have been my last pick. What do you think?



Prince Todd said...

No. Just because her personal life reflects the Amazon does not mean she is right to play her.
I love Angelina but let her make Salt 2. Keep Wonder Woman for someone else.

EMikeGarcia said...

After reading Mr. Toddy's comment, I tried so hard to imagine someone else as Wonder Woman and I can't! Since Joss put this in my head, she's all I can picture as WW now.

SteveA said...

Last pick as well - but I have no idea who could play WM - it's a tough call.

Allan S. said...

I can see it. She is a very good actress. She's not afraid of going there. Her intensity would make her WM a force to reckon with.

However, she would need to add a few pounds of muscle to make it work.

WilsonW said...

I see Jolie as too exotic and sultry. She'd be a better villain to be honest. Or even that Jungle chick in the Superfriends cartoon you featured below. LOL! Wonder Woman is sexy without realizing it. Jolie's whole thing is using her sex appeal to manipulate. Bad match.

Damien said...

I am on the fence. I see it. But I also see the argument against her being WW.

Prince Todd said...

I would like an open casting call. That's how they found Lynda Carter after all.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.