Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gay Teen, Terrel Williams committed Suicide after being Bullied at school

17-year-old Terrel Williams took his life last week after being attacked by students at Clover Park High School in Lakewood, WA.

Here's more:
Terrel’s mother, Cheryl Williams, found her son in their Lakewood home — he had hanged himself in his bedroom closet. Terrel left a suicide note:

“I’m sorry to my immediate loved ones, but I feel suicide is the only way out. I felt coming out, and being happy with Daric, was the best thing I could’ve ever done. But I didn’t think it would lead to my death at an early age.

“Today, was the record worst day of my life, some kids at school stole some of my stuff that I got from people I really cared about, and that really pushed me over the top, next to being shoved into a wall, and my ribs being broken.”

Terrel’s boyfriend, Daric Rawr, told LGBTQ Nation that following the incident on Oct. 13, Terrel had to be picked up and brought home from school. Daric said he was unaware of the attack and was on his way to Terrel’s home to attend a family dinner when Terrel’s mother called to tell him she had found her son hanging in his closet.
In a statement posted on Terrel’s Twitter page on Wednesday, Cheryl Williams wrote:
My son meant the world, and high school bullies pushed him over the edge. I hope and pray, that no other child ever has to go through what he did. Bullying isn’t worth it. Why can’t people just be nice?
Terrel would have turned 18 this week.



behrmark said...

I continue to be heartbroken.

And angry. When the fuck are we going to wake up and start prosecuting the bullies for aggravated assault, manslaughter, second degree murder, and whatever other charges can be brought?

Cubby said...

This is too much. When will it end?

Prince Todd said...

I personally think Bullies should get the death penalty. They indirectly murder other children.
Anyway, what a beautiful young man. It is everybody's loss.

EMikeGarcia said...

Another baby gone. This hurts so damned much. But I love the Sarah M song you dedicated to them.

Sozo's said...

I can't take heart can't take anymore of this. When will it end?

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

He was so gorgeous with so much life ahead...jesus i dont know how much more of this i can take.

Anonymous said...

This is a hoax perprtrated by sick individual, seeking attention and fame! You can read about it on Queerty

and on LGBTQ Nation

One person committed this hoax and fooled a lot of people (Daric Rawr), I have been researching him and have found no less than 6 twitters, 4 myspace and a bunch of stories that he has "allegedly" written about himself using various aliases! He is an attention seeking fraud and a con artist!

Anonymous said...

if this is a joke,you need to stop!! Not funny!! Bullying is wrong,hurtful,and down right disrespectful!! The old saying if you can't say something nice don't say nothing!!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.