Monday, September 20, 2010

WATCH Wonder Woman Represent in "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse"

Thanks to Son of Baldwin for heads up. The DVD for "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse," comes out on September 28th


Unknown said...

Damn, she lends new meaning to the term 'surgical strike.'

Jamie Paisley said...

I still don't get how Supes can just punch flame.

WilsonW said...

See...this is what I don't get. They should have just called it Supergirl. It's really WAYYYYYY more about her than it is Supes or Bats. We have so few female lead animated movies, I don't see why they couldn't market this for the female hero rather than Supes and Bats. It is funny though...superman says Ass in this. Which just struck me as odd!

Judy C. Adanna said...

Punching the flame was way stupid, but it's always nice to see WW acting like an actual warrior. One upside to the (temporary?) reboot in the WW comic is that she is scrappier. Or maybe I expect WW to fight dirty because I grew up around girls who would hit you with a pool cue.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.