Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gov. Schwarzenegger will not appeal the Prop 8 Court Decision

Today, Gov. Schwarzenegger said that he will not appeal the Prop 8 court decision to the 9th Circuit.

Here's the scoop from Keen News Service:

The definitive statement means the ability of Proposition 8 proponents to appeal will depend entirely on the legal standing of the Yes on 8 coalition.

Governor Schwarzenegger had until September 11 to make a decision and, though his position on marriage equality for gay couples has been changing, his most recent statements seemed to indicate he would not direct the state’s attorney general to appeal the decision from the U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

That decision, issued August 4 by Judge Vaughn Walker, found Proposition 8 violates the federal constitutional guarantee to equal protection. The Yes on 8 coalition filed its appeal and a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit has said it will hear the appeal during the first week of December, along with arguments concerning whether the Yes on 8 coalition has standing to appeal.

Hoping to shore up the legitimacy of that appeal, the Pacific Justice Institute, a conservative legal group, filed an appeal—Beckley v. Schwarzenegger—to the California Supreme Court this week, asking it to force the governor to instruct the attorney general to join the appeal in the 9th Circuit. The state supreme court ordered the governor and attorney general to weigh in on this matter today.

Attorney General Jerry Brown sent his statement today, check it out:

Attorney General Jerry Brown's response to Pacific Justice Institute's Appeal

Hat Tip to Metro Weekly for the letter. More info is there on their site.

1 comment:

Glenn Ingersoll said...

Atty Gen's office: "These annoying people should just go away already."

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.