Monday, August 2, 2010

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

Well, what a night! What did you think?


Prince Todd said...

I love that Sookie killed Lorena! But I will miss that crazy bitch...
I loved the scene where we learn more about what Sookie is...I bet she is descended from fairies or something. I BET!
I am glad that Tara is becoming Tara from season one again...The plucky girl who isn't just a victim.
Alcide is sooo SEXY!
Eric is sooo SEXY!
I am so glad Pam is not dead.

WilsonW said...

If I were Sam, I would have some bigger more ferocious animals up my sleeve. I was glad he turned into a pitbull. I was worried he was going to turn into that little collie looking thing he usually does. If I was him I'd stock a rhino, tiger, bear or something up my sleeve for the future. (And by stock I mean literally having pictures of them in his wallet so that he can change into them easily.)

And yes, I am glad that Tara is back in form too. I do worry though that she may have not done enough to kill her vamp. I'd have taken a sword off the wall and made sure I removed his head from his shoulders!

Robert said...

It was awesome! Im happy Tara brought the ghetto out this episode because she was acting like a straight up slave running in the fields scared and victimized in the previous episodes. I love the queen. I'm so glad she's not dead but I so want the king to die.

Unknown said...


Ron Buckmire said...

Yeah I want the King of Alabama to die. I'm pretty sure Sookie is part-faerie. In the SOOKIE STACKHOUSE books (which I have not read) apparently there is a big faerie war, and also ERIC is her Sookie's boyfriend and Bill is her EX!

I'm glad Tar is getting her groove back. Any show where Jason runs around half-naked is a good day for me. But where's JESUS?

WilsonW said...

I remember from the first season that Sookie and Jason's Grandmother was pretty ung-ho about Sookie hooking up with a supernatural creature. Me thinks there's a good reason for that!

From what I know it seems that the Faery thing is true. The mystery is that the telepathy is not a faery ability. We still don't know where that comes from. So faery isn't the complete answer for what Sookie is.

Also in the books sometimes Sookie can hear vampire thoughts too, not sure if they will pull this in at some point as well.

Prince Todd said...

Oh my god I love Jason Stackhouse. I love when he runs around in his little skivies. I have this urge to just boink him...
Sorry for sounding vulgar but it's true.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.