Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today at the Gym...

A guy asked me to spot him while he was bench-pressing.

Guy: I'm going to do to two reps.

Me: Okay

He starts and finishes.

Guy: Thanks, I noticed you are listening to Beyonce in your iPod.

Me: Oh, not today. This is Diana Ross.

Guy: Who is that?

Me: She started this Beyonce thing.


WilsonW said...

WHO IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????

NUH UH!!!! Damn these Children!!!!

Anonymous said...


Bob said...

"Who is THAT?"
"WHO is that?"
"Who IS that?"

I wouldá dropped a dumbbell on his ass.
Without Miss Ross it would'a been Beyonce who?

Stan said...

So true! These kids today.

Anonymous said...

LOL at that one. That's when you can tell your ass has reached senior citizen status in the gay world.

But yes, you won't find ANY Beyonce on my iPod. Diana Ross, yes you will.

Ron Buckmire said...

Actually I don't have any Diana Ross on my Ipod but I do have like 2 or 3 Beyonce tracks...
We need more details about the guy who said "Who is that?" about Diana Ross.



Prince Todd said...

I'm a Beyonce stan; however...That was just ridic!

Unknown said...

She sure did!!!!!!!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.