Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is the Captain America Costume

I just learned that these pics are the official mock up of the Captain America costume.
I saw this from AICN (Ain't It Cool News), so I trust this source.

For more info on this, go here at


WilsonW said...

I think it's cool! I do think they could get away with having the wings painted on the sides rather than the actual wings the original costume has. I miss the wings, scary as that is.

Anonymous said...

Looks cool!! Can't wait for the movie.

Anonymous said...

That works for me.

Wonder Man said...

I saw it. I'm waiting for confirmation

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.