Monday, March 22, 2010

The Dems who said NO to Health Care are:

These are the House Dems listed

John Adler NJ,
Jason Altmire PA,
Michael Arcuri NY,
John Barrow GA,
Marion Berry AR,
Dan Boren OK,
Rick John Boucher VA,
Bobby Bright AL,
Ben Chandler KY,
Travis Childers MS,
Artur Davis AL,
Lincoln Davis TN,
Chet Edwards TX,
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin SD,
Tim Holden PA,
Larry Kissell NC,
Frank Kratovil Jr MD,
Daniel Lipinski IL,
Stephen F. Lynch MA,
Jim Marshall GA,
Jim Matheson D UT,
Mike McIntyre NC,
Michael E. McMahon NY,
Charlie Melancon LA,
Walt Minnick ID,
Glenn Nye VA,
Collin C. Peterson MN,
Mike Ross AR,
Heath Shuler NC,
Ike Skelton MO,
Zack Space OH,
John Tanner TN,
Gene Taylor MS,
Harry Teague NM

via JMG


J. Clarence said...

You know I heard that one of the reasons many said no is because they were in red districts, but might have been a vote if Speaker Pelosi needed it.

But I am sure you have a bunch of others that simply opposed the bill, because they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Joy said...

John Tanner (TN) is not running for re-election, so he couldn't be swayed. Blue Dog Bastard!

Prince Todd said...

Oh they just pretty much nailed their own coffins.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.