Wednesday, January 20, 2010

True Blood newest couple: Bill and Sam?


According to Alan Ball, Bill and Sam may get frisky next season.
If you’re one of the (many) True Blood viewers who suspected there might be fallout from Bill “donating” blood to save Sam’s life in the finale last September, go ahead and give yourself a gold star.

The show’s boss, Alan Ball, tells me that in season 3, the hunks will forge “not just
any connection, an erotic connection.” How erotic? Ball wouldn’t say.

Tease! But it will be tasty to watch.



Larry Ohio said...

My prediction: when one of them is having sex, the other one will feel it. How cool would that be! And if they were doing each other that would be even better!

Unknown said...

Wonder what Sookie will say?

SteveA said...

I want to see Eric and Sam or Eric and LaFayette!

Ron Buckmire said...

Sam is hot but Bill does nothing for me....

back2life said...

Bill and Sam? meh ... I'm more excited about Lafayette's new bf. Maybe they can have a little session with eric, YES

Prince Todd said...

Oh my god I soooo want to see this! It's got me aroused just thinking about

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.