Sunday, January 10, 2010

NOM don't think they may win the Federal Prop 8 Case

The evil Ken doll, Brian Brown, wrote in a fundraising letter that they may lose the Federal Prop 8 case.

I wonder where is this coming from?

Here's his stuff:

“But there’s a topline message here about this trial even many informed voters don’t yet realized: It’s not about California, it’s about the whole country. Gay-marriage advocates are in federal court arguing for a federal constitutional right to gay marriage that would trump not only Prop 8, but the laws of 45 other states, including the 30 other states where the people have passed state constitutional marriage amendments.

That’s right, the Constitution drafted by our Founding Fathers contains a right to gay marriage–in their twisted view. This is judicial activism on steroids, and a flagrant disrespect for civility, common sense, and democracy.

Gay-marriage advocates believe they have a right to win. They think you and I don’t count. NOM will be filing an amicus brief in this litigation, and will work with Protect Marriage and the lawyers for Prop 8 in every way we are asked.”

We do not expect to win at the trial level, but with God’s help, at least five members of the current Supreme Court will have the courage to defend our Constitution from this grave attack.


EMikeGarcia said...

I love how they're looking to their god and not justice... How anyone could be stupid enough to follow these folks is beyond my understanding.

Bob said...

Um, yeah, God does not write the laws, and she should not be used to interfere with the laws.

Anonymous said...

That second paragraph just makes me want to punch that silly grin off his fucking face.

He doesn't understand that the 14th Amendment grants all rights and privileges to ALL citizens for "...equal protection under the law."

According to Brown we're unequal which flies in the face of the Constitution.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.