Monday, December 14, 2009

Joe Lieberman is a Jerk

Word is, nickel-faced Joe Lieberman told Harry Reid that he will filibuster health-care reform if the final bill includes an expansion of Medicare.

He said he wouldn't, but now he will (bastard).
Lieberman punctuated the discussion by telling the majority leader directly that he will vote against the bill if the Medicare buy-in and public option provisions remain in it.

The pledge by Lieberman to oppose the bill represents a potentially huge setback for reform proponents, many of who saw the latest round of policy compromises as the last true chance to corral the needed votes. That said, leadership has several fallback options (none of them promising) should Lieberman follow through on the threat.

The first is to convince the senator to support Democrats in breaking a Republican filibuster before casting a vote against the bill. This would allow for the legislation to pass with Lieberman still registering his opposition. Lieberman, however, has said he considers the procedural vote to cut off debate to be of the same significance as a vote on the bill itself.

So I guess, he should get his resume together. The Dems will get him if he stands firm with this decision.



Unknown said...

I have long grown board with the rambling thoughts of this man. Would not mind at all if he disappeared from the public discussion.

Bob said...

I love that i have you on my blogroll so I can see things like "Maybe It's Me Joe Lieberman Is A Jerk" and I get to think, "No, it's isn't you, it's me, too."
He's an asshat way beyond his time in office.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I can't bear him...!

Kyle Leach said...

I just want him to keep his trap shut. I can't listen to his non-sense anymore. He is such a disgrace.

Damien said...

Even us Jews are willing to get rid of him............. for free!!

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping he gets hit by a bus or some other gruesome accidental death. Maybe his limo will plunge off a high bridge?

Who knows, stranger things have happened.

kayman said...

I'm not surprised at all. He stabbed Obama in his back after he supported Lieberman in his reelection campaign back in 2006 as an Independent. Lieberman is a treacherous cretin that has no limits as to how much he will pander on the side of idiocy to appease his best friend, the ethically bankrupt, John McCain. Reid should have agreed with the majority of Democrats and threw Lieberman under the bus after the new Congress was seated in January, but he wanted his vote that damn badly. Independents like Lieberman give us other Independents a bad name, SMH

Anonymous said...

It's me too...he's a jerk!

Unknown said...

Just a silly site, no opionion from me:

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.