Sunday, October 11, 2009

What folks (haters) had to say about Obama's Speech

Obama said what he had to say. I thought his speech was good to hear, no it wasn't new stuff but it was reassurance. However to many haters and tough critics, it wasn't enough.

John Avarosis
All in all, the evening was a disappointment, but not unexpected. President Obama doesn't do controversy, and we, my friends, are controversy. So, the bad blood between this administration and the gay community will remain, and continue to worsen. It's unfortunate, but at some point you have to have enough dignity to say enough is enough. The Obama administration doesn't respect our community, and doesn't respect the seriousness of our cause. It's our job to hold them accountable. And we will.

Andrew Sullivan

But the point of electing a president who pledged to actually do things is to hold him to account, and to see if he is willing to take any risk of any kind to actually do something. I had a few prior tests of his seriousness or signs that he gets it, a few ways to judge if this speech had anything new or specific or clear. He failed every test.

Dan Savage

So long as the president refuses to remove DADT from his own plate—and I'm not holding my breath—I don't have much sympathy for him where his plate is concerned. Yeah, there's a lot on his plate. No doubt. But until he takes DADT off his plate I'm not interested in listing to him or his apologists whine.

Queerty... just see for yourself

Of course, they wasn't pleased. You can't please them. However, here's a few things they need to remember.
  • Obama will keep the majority of the LGBT community on his side. Let's be real... Where else are we going to go?
  • A timeline for a repeal is not realistic. I think it's best to work continuously on any repeal so it will get done right. It may takes months or a year. Again, we want this done RIGHT, right?
  • If none of you have a realistic tangible plan, then shut it up! What is your plan Dan, John, Andrew and the twinks at Queerty?
  • Go to Congress, bitches!
  • And get over yourselves. Believe it or not, most of us are not feeling you or your rants. To be real part 2, you are not the voices of the gays.


Daddy Squeeze Me! said...


Prince Todd said...

I'd like to let it be known that this portion of the gay community does NOT speak for me.
President Obama is not a thug (ala Bush). He isn't going to run over the constitution in favor of certain groups. If the gay community wants change we should work with the President who is doing more to reach out to us than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT in the history of this nation.
True, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But if it keeps on squeaking it will be replaced and never used AGAIN.

To those haters. STFU. It's the same redundant garbage.

Ron Buckmire said...

I disagree that a time line could not have been included.

I'm not convinced that he needed to give a timeline NOW, but once healthcare is done, I will be *much* less forgiving :)

Glenn Ingersoll said...

I guess I'm more disappointed in our president than you are.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.